What Open Space Place does…

Open Space Place (OSP) is the name of my “ideal” business platform.

My namecard now says that I am a facilitator/coach and bodyworker in Open Space Place, so the concept is active. I see the day when OSP holds much that I do and the people I like working with. I see it serving, attracting and refering a wide network of coaches, facilitators and healers.

From my standpoint this name — reflecting as it does the Open Space Technology principles and guidelines — covers what I care most about and the approaches I most deeply ascribe to. How do I communicate that clearly to others? Yesterday my coach Sraban challenged me to create the home page for OSP, and in the shower this morning the following formulation came to me.

Open Space Place


mindwork / heartwork / bodywork / groupwork / etherwork / reportwork / voicework


mindwork — brain-based coaching, interfacing Chinese and western academia and research, academic and research coaching, editing, craniosacral (for clarity of thought, stress release, transforming mental distress), conversations for creativity, insight, synthesis and understanding


heartwork — intuitive coaching, craniosacral for opening the heart, coaching to bring the heart’s message out into the world

bodywork — craniosacral for chronic/acute aches, pains and dysfunction (headaches, TMD, eyestrain, grinding teeth, frozen neck, painful shoulders , back, sciatica, freeing the bones in the head after head injury) or for connecting deeply with what’s happening in different parts of the body (yoga practitioners seem to find me).


groupwork — community space (healers, facilitators, coaches, others), group facilitation (Open Space Technology [themselves, wiki about them], workshops, couple conversations, wisdom circles, dialogue groups, success teams [Barbara Sher rocks], participatory strategic planning, facilitative learning or decision making)


etherwork — developing innovative virtual tools for individuals and group


reportwork — we produce innovative and refreshing reports that not only say accurately what has happened, they motivate into your ideal future. Our specialty is using a tailored process of participation.

I’ll see if this formulation sparks more forward motion on the site. When there’s something to see, I’ll put it here.

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