AI Interview #1 Weng Shao-Ting

1-1:30 this afternoon in the tropical heat (even in the shade) I had my first interview. Honda suddenly had work and couldn’t come but ShaoTing, a Biology graduate now switching to Mass Media masters was quite willing to be interviewed. When he came today he expected to be observing the process so he could continue together with me, but nothing like seeing the process from a interviewee-eye view. And he was game. Paul was our cameraman for today. I’ll download to my Mac from the mini-CD. ShaoTing and I spent some time afterward thinking through our process ahead. Some of what we need to do is locate a mini-CD-type video camera (good enough quality), learn to do the camerawork, learn to edit, do 50 interviews, edit them and upload to YouTube. At the same time we want to develop a forum on my drupal site to share more specific information about the best of Taiwan. We’re aiming at September 10 to have all this up and running. With any luck, there’ll be others doing interviews of their own and uploading them to the same location, so we start to get some give and take. Ambitious, but do-able. Feels wonderful having this movement to an idea that’s been bouncing for some time.

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